
In July 2019, New York Pizza blanketed public bus stops and TV channels across the Netherlands, with billboard and film ads, featuring a naked woman holding and massaging a pair of cauliflowers in front of her breasts.  

After a flood of complaints from the public, the Stichting Reclame Code (Advertising Code Committee) issued a ruling, saying that this advertisment contravened standards of good taste and decency.

My story

I first saw this ad at bus stops and along the road, in numerous cities across the Netherlands, in July 2019. The more often I saw it, the more annoyed I was! When I realized that it was bankrolled by a popular pizza franchise, I was shocked that they had made the decision to place something with such bad taste in the public eye, in this day and age.

I Googled it, and was even more amazed to find out that a film version was airing on tv, modelled after old adverts for sex hotlines, with a sultry female voiceover asking customers to call if they were 'interested in hot bloemkool.' ('Bloemkool' is slang for 'breasts' in Dutch.)

Now, I'm no prude, but the idea that kids all over the country were being forced to consume this nonsense, and that parents were having to blinkingly try and explain what it was, is just wrong. (Side note: now you know why parents are postponing the decision to have children!)
It was time to take a stand.

I registered a complaint with Stichting Reclame Code, along with a bevy of other enthusiastic critics. So many complaints were received that the Stichting scheduled a meeting in August, exclusively for the purposes of discussing this ad campaign.

I wrote a letter to New York Pizza, and received in response, 'We regret to learn of the manner with which you have received our ad. The ad is created in a striking manner with 'nudge-nudge-wink-wink' humour, in order to bring our new product to your attention.' (My translation of: 'We vinden het vervelend om te horen dat je onze reclame op deze manier ervaart. De reclame is gemaakt om met humor, een knipoog en op opvallende wijze ons nieuwe product onder de aandacht te brengen.')

In other words, 'Sorry not sorry!! Neh-neh-neh-neh-neh!'

Spoof film

Hence, I came up with the idea to create a spoof movie. I wanted to put a spotlight on the ways in which female bodies are needlessly, endlessly, sexualized, exploited, and objectified, so that a bunch of selfish motherf***ers can earn more money. As a fitting reaction to the 'wow-factor' of the original ad, I decided to go for a shocking, provocative, attention-grabbing approach! Hey, you only live once, right?!

I whipped up a storyboard and starting emailing people. Over the past months, I assembled a team of utterly amazing, inspiring people, including a co-producer, actors, a director of photography, a studio manager, a music director, a cook, a make-up artist, and several assistants. They included people of different genders, backgrounds, and ages, and were incredibly enthusiastic and supportive. They and my friends got me through the times when I encountered less-supportive people and felt discouraged or uncertain. After lots of preparation, coordination, and pre-production, we held the shoot over three days in mid-September.

I hope to have the final product ready sometime in October, and am now busy networking and hammering out a social media and publicity strategy, in order to generate buzz when the film is finished. I want it to go VIRAL!!!

Personal goals

The purpose of this project is, first and foremost, to brighten up your day and put a smile on your face (or a wide grin, or elicit hysterical laughter). It’s that simple.

From the time that children are born, they are confronted with a relentless barrage of gender stereotypes that are not merely old-fashioned, but also harmful and oppressive. Such stereotypes have been concocted and perpetuated over centuries, by marketers and content creators who think in terms of labels, categories, and sales; who are unwilling or unable to either recognise or appreciate the uniqueness and potential of each individual child, and thereby, each individual human being.

When I saw the original ads from New York Pizza, I decided to take action, and make something creative and crazy- to convert the bad karma that they put into the world, into something positive with widespread impact. My fear was that the uproar over their advertisement would quickly die out, and that they, and other companies, would be emboldened to publish sexist campaigns, over and over again, and I would be forced to see them and endure them, again and again, while growing steadily more cynical, sick, and bitter. I say 'no!'

I am now in my thirties and have been exposed to decades of harmful gender stereotypes, hence I have endured years’ worth of indirect insults, sexual harassment, and micro-aggressions, all of which cumulatively suck my energy and reinforce the impression that the world is a horrible place. Making this film was a form of personal therapy- along the way, I met and connected with the most incredible, supportive, and understanding people. People who instantly ‘got it;’ people who found the concept hysterically funny; people who loved it because they have experienced the same gender stereotypes and insults in the media and know that something has to be done; people who have children.

I have received tremendous support and affirmation from parents. They describe how difficult it is to shield children from the pernicious, pervasive stereotypes that are perpetuated by profit-hungry media producers. Almost all parents want their kids to be happy. Kids should be able to aspire to whatever feeds their passion, regardless of gender- a scientist; a dancer; a nurse; a politician; a driver; an engineer; a fire fighter; a CEO; a teacher; an athlete; the president. Some of my team members have young kids, and this gave them an extra boost of motivation to work on the project. My goal is to address stereotyping in the media, call it out when it happens, point out how wrong it is, and insist that content producers and advertising agencies reject these cheap methods and instead create content that reverses the past decades of discrimination. I want to give older generations space to heal, and younger generations space to grow.

Going viral is great, what comes next? Check out the Action page for the bigger dream.

About the director/producer

Xing is a scientist, artist, and activist. Her life’s goal is to create a brain implant that will allow blind people to see again. In her spare time, she works on a variety of art and social-justice projects.
She is the author of peer-reviewed scientific articles, as well as a cycling guide book for expats, titled ‘Learn to Cycle in Amsterdam.'
Her hobbies include drawing, cycling, SUPping, and windsurfing.


We are looking for volunteers to help us fulfil our goals and enact real change. Interested in being a part of this ambitious, socially driven mission? Contact us for more information regarding our upcoming plans!

By the way, did the spoof film put a smile on your face? Consider making a contribution to our fund raising campaign and supporting our cause. Think of how much better the future could be if we all did our part!

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands


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