A wealth of resources exists for those who are willing to look for and make use of them.

From grassroots movements that make use of art, writing, music, and exhibitions to draw young people together, to organisations with political clout for governmental lobbying, to knowledge institutes that examine gender inquality and implement solutions for broader cultural and societal change.

Here is a non-exhaustive list.


    A knowledge institute on gender equality and women's history which collects, manages and shares the heritage of women, and uses this research and knowledge for the promotion of equal treatment of women and men.

  • Clara Wichmannfonds
    Bureau Clara Wichmann supports legal cases centred on the rights of women, focusing on cases that go beyond the individual's interest and are potentially of interest to women's rights in general.

  • Emancipator
    An organisation that embraces the role and involvement of men in addressing social inequality, with themes relating to work and care, violence and safety, sexuality, and sexual diversity.

  • Generatie Ja... En?
    A campaign focused on young people between 17 and 23 years old, which challenges stereotypical norms for masculinity, femininity and sexuality.

  • KIT Royal Tropical Institute
    An independent centre of expertise, education, intercultural cooperation, and hospitality, dedicated to sustainable development. KIT focuses on gender, global health, intercultural communication, and sustainable economic development.

    A countercultural grass-roots movement that is responsible for organising an annual mini art festival that explores the boundaries between art and social activism and offers alternative ways of art making, partying and art management, with a strong focus on inclusivitiy and safety in expression.

  • MOED
    The Museum of Equality and Difference is an online museum and research project that brings together artistic perspectives on equality and difference that strive for social change. MOED is a project by researchers of the Graduate Gender Program at Utrecht University.

    MOVISIE is a leading national knowledge institute for social issues. It uses a combination of practical tools, knowledge, and interventions to effeectively address social problems.

  • Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad
    The NVR is an umbrella organisation for over 56 smaller organisations for women. Fusing the domains of politics, law, and government, it strives for gender equality and the empowerment of women. Via their Werk en de Toekomst initiative, for example, the NVR combats gender stereotypes at work and in school.

  • Pisswife
    A feminist art collective based in Amsterdam, PISSWIFE publishes a zine filled with articles and artwork on feminism, creates videos, and organizes social events.

  • Women Inc
    An organisation that strives for the empowerment of women across the fields of finances, health, and representation. Their campaign #BeperktZicht uses statistics and quizes to explore unconscious biases and challenge assumptions. Furthermore, they provide a list of resources on their website for the promotion of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace.

  • Wonda Women
    Wonda Women creates safe, inclusive events and spaces for those who identify as female, providing opportunities to network and discuss social justice issues, while placing intersectional feminism at its core.

Knowledge is power, what will you do with it?
Thank you for making a difference.

About the director/producer

Xing is a scientist, artist, and activist. Her life’s goal is to create a brain implant that will allow blind people to see again. In her spare time, she works on a variety of art and social-justice projects.
She is the author of peer-reviewed scientific articles, as well as a cycling guide book for expats, titled ‘Learn to Cycle in Amsterdam.'
Her hobbies include drawing, cycling, SUPping, and windsurfing.


We are looking for volunteers to help us fulfil our goals and enact real change. Interested in being a part of this ambitious, socially driven mission? Contact us for more information regarding our upcoming plans!

By the way, did the spoof film put a smile on your face? Consider making a contribution to our fund raising campaign and supporting our cause. Think of how much better the future could be if we all did our part!

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • info@stoppublicsexism.com

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